Texts by African regions Northern Africa Eastern Africa Southern Africa Western Africa Central Africa Africa-Wide Resources Texts about Northern Africa Andreevskii, V.M.: Egypt 1886 | Andreevskii,Archaeology,Egypt,Illustrations,North Africa,Travel Notes | Anon. – Helwan, Near Cairo. A Winter Sanatorium in the Country of the Pyramids 1914 | Helwan,Kushnir,Medicine,North Africa,Pamphlet,Sanatorium | Anon. – Mores and Customs of Various Inhabitants of Asia, Africa, America, and Australia 1856 | Bedouins,Essay,North Africa,Sahara,Travel Notes | Bashmakov, A.A.: History and Ethnography of Tripolitania and Cyrenaica 1912 | Bashmakov,Cyrenaica,Essay,Ethnography,History,Illustrations,North Africa,Tripolitania | Bashmakov, A.A.: Letters from Africa 1910 | Bashmakov,Egypt,Memoirs,North Africa,Sudan,Travel Notes | Bashmakov, A.A.: Nubia and Egypt 1910 | Bashmakov,Egypt,Essay,North Africa,Nubia,Travel Notes | Belyi, A. 1911 | Belyi,Egypt,Essays,Letters,North Africa,Travel Notes,Tunisia | Berezin, N.I.: In the Caliph’s Claws. Torments and Tortures of a European Prisoner Among the Fanatics of Sudan 1901 | Adaptations,Berezin,Illustrations,Neufeld,Popular Literature,Sudan | Berezin, N.I.: In the Land of Thirst and Slavery. Nachtigal’s Journey Through Sahara and Sudan 1904 | Berezin,Central Africa,Illustrations,Nachtigal,North Africa,Popular Literature,Sahara | Bernov, M.A.: Spain, Algeria, and the Sahara 1899 | Algeria,Bernov,Illustrations,North Africa,Travel Notes | Brianchaninov, N.V.: Wanderings (Nubia – Sudan – Palestine – Lebanon) 1908 | Brianchaninov,Illustrations,Middle East,Sudan,Travel Notes | Cheglok (Usov), A.A.: My Adventures in the Sahara and Northern Africa 1912 | Cheglok,Children’s Literature,Fiction,Illustrations,North Africa | Cherskii, L.F.: The Adventures of Dzhami. A Story from the Life of a Fellah 1902 | Cherskii,Children’s Literature,Egypt,Fiction,Illustrations,North Africa | Chikhachev, P.A.: Spain, Algeria, Tunisia 1880 | Algeria,Chikhachev,Geography,North Africa,Travel Notes,Tunisia | Chukmaldin, N.M.: Travel Notes from Palestine and Egypt 1899 | Chukmaldin,Egypt,Nile Cruise,North Africa,Tourism,Travel Notes | Davidovich, S.F.: From Odessa to Cairo 1886 | Colonialism,Davidovich,Egypt,North Africa,Tourism,Travel Notes | Dedlov, V.L.: Adventures and Impressions. In Italy and Egypt. Notes on Turkey 1888 | Dedlov,Egypt,Nile,North Africa,Travel Notes | Dedlov, V.L.: From Far Away. Letters from the Road 1887 | Dedlov,Egypt,Nile Cruise,North Africa,Tourism,Travel Notes | Dranitsyn, D.A.: A Note about Loess in North Africa 1914 | Algeria,Dranitsyn,Essay,Nature,North Africa,Sahara | Eikhval’d E.I.: Excerpts from a Trip to Algeria in 1847 1851 | Algeria,Eikhval’d,History,North Africa,Travel Notes | Eliseev A.V.: An Anthropological Excursion to the Sahara via Tripoli, Tunisia, and Algeria 1885 | Algeria,Anthropology,Eliseev,North Africa,Travel Notes,Tunisia | Eliseev, A.V.: A Trip to Egypt, Stony Arabia, and Palestine 1882 | Archeology,Egypt,Eliseev,Nature,North Africa,Travel Notes | Eliseev, A.V.: Around the World 1894 | Egypt,Eliseev,Illustrations,Nile Cruise,North Africa,Travel Notes | Eliseev, A.V.: In the Country of the Tuareg People 1885 | Eliseev,North Africa,Sahara,Travel Notes,Tuareg | Eliseev, A.V.: Lion Nights. About a Trip to North Africa 1900 | Eliseev,Hunting,Nature,North Africa,Travel Notes | Eliseev, A.V.: Mahdism and the Current State of Affairs in Sudan 1894 | Egypt,Eliseev,Mahdi,North Africa,Sudan,Travel Notes | Ermolaev, M.N.: Modern Irrigation and Cotton Production in Egypt 1910 | Colonialism,Economic Interests,Egypt,Ermolaev,Essay,North Africa | Fonvizin, S.I.: Seven Months in Egypt and Palestine. Essays and Impressions 1910 | Egypt,Fonvizin,Nile Cruise,North Africa,Tourism,Travel Notes | Gadenko, A.P.: Africa. Algeria. Timgad. El Kantara. Sahara. Oases. Constantine. Tunisia. Travel Impressions 1915 | Algeria,Gadenko,Illustrations,North Africa,Travel Notes,Tunisia | Gartman: In the Lion’s Claws. A Short Story 1901 | Adaptations,Algeria,Gartman,Gérard,Hunting,North Africa,Popular Literature | Glushinskii, I.P.: The Suez Canal 1870 | Egypt,Engineering,Essay,Glushinskii,North Africa,Suez | Grinevskaia, I.A.: A Journey to the Lands of the Sun 1914 | Egypt,Grinevskaia,Lebanon,North Africa,Palestine,Travel Notes | Gubarevich-Radobyl’skii, A.F.: Essay on the Economy of Bukhara and Tunisia. A Comparative Research on Two Protectorate Systems 1905 | Central Asia,Colonialism,Economic Interests,Essay,Gubarevich-Radobyl’skii,North Africa,Tunisia | Gumilev, N.S. 1907 | Egypt,Ethiopia,Fiction,Gumilev,Poetry,Travel Notes | Junker, V.V.: Report on a Seven-Year Journey through Equatorial Africa 1887 | Central Africa,Egypt,Ethnography,Junker,Sudan,Travel Notes,Uganda,War,Zanzibar | Kartavtsev, E.E.: Through Egypt and Palestine. Travel Notes 1892 | Egypt,Kartavtsev,Nile Cruise,North Africa,Tourism,Travel Notes | Komstadius, N.N.: Notes of a Tourist 1893 | Egypt,Komstadius,Nile Cruise,North Africa,Tourism,Travel Notes | Koptev, A.B.: Memoirs on the Journey to Constantinople, Cairo and Jerusalem in 1887 1888 | Egypt,Koptev,North Africa,Tourism,Travel Notes | Kotel’nikov, G.E.: The Priest of Osiris 1914 | Ancient Egypt,Fiction,Kotel’nikov,North Africa,Osiris,Religion | Krasnov, A.N.: From the Cradle of Civilisation. Letters from a Journey Around the World 1898 | Egypt,History,Krasnov A.,Nature,North Africa,Travel Notes | Kuropatkin, A.N.: Algeria (From “Voennyi sbornik” and “Russkii invalid”) 1877 | Algeria,Essay,Kuropatkin,Military,North Africa,Travel Notes | Kuz’min, E.M.: Around Africa by Car 1915 | Automobilism,Illustrations,Kuz’min,North Africa,Travel Notes | L-va, I.N.: Algeria as a Winter Station. Notes for the Sick 1881 | Algeria,L-va,Medicine,North Africa,Tourism,Travel Notes | Lebedeva (Barshcheva) O.S.: On the Emancipation of the Muslim Woman 1900 | Colonialism,Lebedeva,North Africa,Pamphlet,Religion | Lipskii, V.I.: Botanical Institutions and Gardens in Southern Europe and North Africa 1904 | Algeria,Essay,Lipskii,Nature,North Africa,Sahara | Markov, E.L.: A Journey to the Orient. Tsargrad and the Archipelago. In the Pharaohs’ Country 1890 | Egypt,Markov,Nile Cruise,North Africa,Tourism,Travel Notes | Mel’gunova, M.: The Country of Pyramids (Egypt) 1903 | Ancient Egypt,Art,Essay,Mel’gunova,North Africa,Religion | Nedumov, A.I.: Across Spain and Algeria. Travel Notes 1903 | Illustrations,Jewish People,Nedumov,North Africa,Travel Notes | Nemirovich-Danchenko, V.I. 1887 | Africa,Dahomey,Essay,Madagascar,Nemirovich-Danchenko,North Africa,Travel Notes | Novitskii, V.F.: Through Southern Countries 1908 | Egypt,Illustrations,North Africa,Novitskii,Tourism,Travel Notes | 12 Texts about Eastern Africa Anon. – Uganda, or Uganeida. A Geographical Essay 1903 | Colonialism,Essay,Geography,Geopolitics,International Relations,Jewish People,Uganda | Anon. – Western Missionaries in Africa 1896 | Brochure,Colonialism,Hannington,Missionaries,Pravoslavnyi sobesednik,Uganda | Artamonov, L.K.: A Brief Summary of a Trip to Abyssinia 1899 | Artamonov,Ethiopia,Military,Nile,Report | Averintsev, S.V.: Along the Coastline of the Dark Continent (From the Travel Notes of a Naturalist) 1912 | Amani Research Institute,Averintsev,Colonialism,East Africa,Travel Notes | Belozerskii E.M.: What is Abyssinia and What Do Italians Want from It? 1887 | Belozerskii,Colonialism,Essay,Ethiopia,Geopolitics,International Relations | Berezin, N.I.: The Zanzibar Fugitive. A Tale from African Life 1903 | Berezin,Children’s Literature,Fiction,Slavery,Zanzibar | Bessel’ (Rubakina) L.A.: How I Travelled Through Abyssinia 1912 | Children’s Literature,Ethiopia,Fiction,Illustrations,Rubakina | Bezgin, I.G.: Abyssinia and Abyssinians 1903 | Arnol’di,Bezgin,Bibliography,Dragomirov and Davydov,Ethiopia | Bogen, K.: Tamira, the Queen of Madagascar. A Short Story 1901 | Bogen,Children’s Literature,Colonialism,Fiction,Madagascar | Bok, I.I.: European Successes in the Eastern Half of Africa in Recent Years 1899 | Bok,Colonialism,East Africa,Essay,Geography,Geopolitics | Brianchaninov, N.V.: East and West 1912 | Brianchaninov,Essay,Ethiopia,History,Menelik II | Brovtsyn, N.P.: Materials for an Anthropology of Ethiopia. The Abyssinians of the Shewa Province 1909 | Anthropology,Brovtsyn,Essay,Ethiopia,Medicine | Bulatovich, A.K.: From Entoto to the Baro River. An Account of the Journey in the South-Western Regions of the Ethiopian Empire in 1896-1897 1897 | Bulatovich,Essay,Ethiopia,Ethnography,Geography | Bulatovich, A.K.: With the Armies of Menelik. A Diary of an Expedition from Ethiopia to Lake Rudolf 1900 | Bulatovich,Ethiopia,Illustrations,Memoirs,Military | Dogel’, V.A.: A Naturalist in East Africa 1916 | Britain,Dogel’,East Africa,Ethnography,Illustrations,Kenya,Nature,Travel Notes,Uganda | Dolganev, E.E.: The Country of Ethiopians (Abyssinia) 1896 | Dolganev,Essay,Ethiopia,Ethnography,History | Efrem, archimandrite: A Journey to Abyssinia 1901 | Efrem,Eliseev,Ethiopia,Leont’ev,Travel Notes | Elets, Iu.L.: The Emperor Menelik and His War against Italy. Based on the Documents and Campaign Diaries by N.S. Leont’ev 1898 | Elets,Essay,Ethiopia,Illustrations,Italo-Ethiopian War,Leont’ev | Glinskii, D.L.: The Life of a Russian Sanitary Unit in Harar 1899 | Ethiopia,Glinskii,Harar,International Relations,Medicine,Travel Notes | Gorodetskii, V.V.: In the African Jungle. A Hunter’s Diary 1914 | East Africa,Gorodetskii,Hunting,Illustrations,Safari,Travel Notes | Grigor’ev, A.A.: German Colonies in Africa 1915 | Cameroon,Colonialism,East Africa,Essay,Germany,Grigor’ev,Illustrations,Namibia,Togo | Gruzdev, F.S.: In the Country of Black Christians: Essays on Abyssinia 1895 | Essay,Ethiopia,Gruzdev,History,Illustrations,International Relations,Religion | Gumilev, N.S. 1907 | Egypt,Ethiopia,Fiction,Gumilev,Poetry,Travel Notes | Junker, V.V.: Report on a Seven-Year Journey through Equatorial Africa 1887 | Central Africa,Egypt,Ethnography,Junker,Sudan,Travel Notes,Uganda,War,Zanzibar | Karintsev (Dudel’) N.A.: In the African Forests 1913 | Adaptations,Children’s Literature,Fiction,Karintsev,Zanzibar | Kozlov, S.V.: Remarks on Some Parts of the Essay by Lieutenant Bulatovich 1897 | Bulatovich,Essay,Ethiopia,History,Kozlov | Krasnov, P.N.: Aska Mariam 1903 | Ethiopia,Exoticism,Fiction,Krasnov P.,Reincarnation | Krasnov, P.N.: The Cossacks in Abyssinia 1900 | Diplomatic Mission,Ethiopia,Illustrations,Krasnov P.,Travel Notes | Krasnov, P.N.: The Love of an Abyssinian Woman 1900 | Economic Interests,Ethiopia,Fiction,Going Native,Krasnov P. | Kresin, R.: Uganda. A Country Offered by England to the Zionists for the Establishment of a Jewish State 1903 | Colonialism,Essay,Geopolitics,International Relations,Jewish People,Kresin,Uganda | Krindach, F.: A Russian Cavalryman in Abyssinia: from Djibouti to Harar 1898 | Ethiopia,Illustrations,International Relations,Krindach,Travel Notes | Krindach, F.: Essay on the Industry and Trade of Abyssinia 1899 | Economic Interests,Essay,Ethiopia,International Relations,Krindach | Liudvig, M.: The Germans in Africa. A Short Story 1903 | Children’s Literature,Colonialism,East Africa,Fiction,Liudvig,Zanzibar | Mashkov, V.F.: Information about Abyssinia 1897 | Ethiopia,Geography,International Relations,Mashkov,Nature,Report | Narbut, V.I. 1913 | Ethiopia,Narbut,Poetry,Prose,Travel Notes | Nemirovich-Danchenko, V.I. 1887 | Africa,Dahomey,Essay,Madagascar,Nemirovich-Danchenko,North Africa,Travel Notes | Nikitin, V.N.: On the Shores of Lake Victoria 1914 | East Africa,Ethnography,Illustrations,Nikitin,Travel Notes | Pfeifer, D.N.: The 1895 Expedition to Madagascar 1897 | Colonialism,France,Madagascar,Military,Pfeifer,Report | Putsykovich, F.F.: Abyssinians. A Reading for the People 1896 | Ethiopia,Ethnography,Pamphlet,Popular Literature,Putsykovich | Radich, V.A.: Across Abyssinia 1910 | Ethiopia,Ethnography,Illustrations,Popular Literature,Radich | Rubakin, N.A.: Adventures in the Country of Slavery 1904 | Adaptations,Baker,Popular Literature,Rubakin,Uganda | Rubakin, N.A.: The Merciless Negus. A Tale About the Traditions and Habits of Abyssinia 1904 | Adaptations,Ethiopia,Illustrations,Popular Literature,Rubakin | Rubtsov, M.V.: Vasilii Vasil’evich Bolotov. A Biographical Essay 1900 | Biography,Egypt,Ethiopia,History,Illustrations,Rubtsov | Rudnev, I.I.: The African Island of Madagascar 1906 | Colonialism,Essay,Madagascar,Popular Literature,Rudnev | Shchusev, P.V.: Lecture on a Yearly Stay in Abyssinia 1897 | Essay,Ethiopia,Nature,Russian Geographical Society,Shchusev | Shchusev, P.V.: Towards the Blue Nile’s Springs 1900 | Blue Nile,Ethiopia,Russian Geographical Society,Shchusev,Travel Notes | Shtiglits, A.N.: The United Kingdom and its Politics in South Africa 1901 | Britain,Essay,Ethiopia,International Relations,Shtiglits,South Africa | Sokolov, I.I.: Diary of the Expedition to Kenya and Uganda in 1914 1914 | East Africa,Kenya,Nature,Sokolov,Travel Notes,Uganda | Vasin, N.A.: The Land of Black Christians. A Description of Abyssinia, its People and Nature 1905 | Children’s Literature,Essay,Ethiopia,Jewish People,Vasin | Volkonskii, M.N.: The African Princess (Vampuka) 1900 | Ethiopia,Fiction,Satire,Vampuka,Volkonskii | 12 Texts about Southern Africa Blok, G.K.: Two Years in the Life of a Russian Sailor 1854 | Blok,Illustrations,Navigation,South Africa,Travel Notes | Goncharov, I.A.: Frigate “Pallada” 1858 | Cape Verde,Colonialism,Goncharov,Navigation,South Africa,Travel Notes | Grigor’ev, A.A.: German Colonies in Africa 1915 | Cameroon,Colonialism,East Africa,Essay,Germany,Grigor’ev,Illustrations,Namibia,Togo | Iurovetskii, M.I.: Angola. The Land Offered by Portugal to the Jews for Colonisation 1912 | Angola,Colonialism,Essay,International Relations,Iurovetskii,Jewish People,Portugal | Iz’’edinova S.V.: A Few Months with the Boers. The War Reminiscences of a Russian Nursing Sister 1903 | Anglo-Boer War,Iz’’edinova,Medicine,Memoirs,South Africa | Korf, S.A.: The Self-Governing Colonies of Great Britain 1914 | Britain,Colonialism,Essay,Korf,South Africa | Korsakov, N.: Transvaal and Its Wealth 1899 | Colonialism,Essay,Illustrations,Korsakov,South Africa | Maidel’, E.V.: A Pilot’s Notes from the West Coast of Africa 1900 | Adaptations,Maidel’,Navigation,South Africa,West Africa | Mariia Z.: How I Became a Volunteer in Transvaal 1901 | Anglo-Boer War,Fiction,Mariia Z.,Memoirs,South Africa | Russkii strannik (Kochetov, E.L.): Christmas at Uncle Paul’s. Memories of a Stay in Pretoria, the Capital of the Boers 1900 | Anglo-Boer War,Kochetov,Memoirs,South Africa,Travel Notes | Shtiglits, A.N.: The United Kingdom and its Politics in South Africa 1901 | Britain,Essay,Ethiopia,International Relations,Shtiglits,South Africa | Vinogradskii, A.N.: The Anglo-Boer War in South Africa 1903 | Anglo-Boer War,Essay,History,South Africa,Vinogradskii | Vysheslavtsev, A.V.: Essays in Pen and Pencil from a Journey around the World in 1857-1860 1862 | Illustrations,Navigation,South Africa,Travel Notes,Vysheslavtsev | Texts about Western Africa Favr, V.G.: Anthropological Notes on Dahomean Women 1896 | Anthropology,Dahomey,Essay,Favr,Medicine | Grigor’ev, A.A.: German Colonies in Africa 1915 | Cameroon,Colonialism,East Africa,Essay,Germany,Grigor’ev,Illustrations,Namibia,Togo | Nemirovich-Danchenko, V.I. 1887 | Africa,Dahomey,Essay,Madagascar,Nemirovich-Danchenko,North Africa,Travel Notes | Paperin, L.: Liberia (A Negro State) 1906 | Colonialism,Jewish People,Liberia,Paperin,Slavery | Zashchuk, I.I.: German Colonies. Their Significance in Economic, Political, and Military Relations 1908 | Cameroon,Colonialism,East Africa,Economic Interests,Essay,Geopolitics,Germany,Zashchuk | Texts about Central Africa Abramov, Ia.V.: Henry Morton Stanley. His Life, Travels, and Geographic Discoveries 1891 | Abramov,Biography,Central Africa,Congo,Stanley | Anon. – Final Act of the Berlin “African” Conference signed on 14/26 February 1885 1885 | Agreement,Colonialism,Congo,Economic Interests,Geopolitics,International Relations | Berezin, N.I.: In the Land of Thirst and Slavery. Nachtigal’s Journey Through Sahara and Sudan 1904 | Berezin,Central Africa,Illustrations,Nachtigal,North Africa,Popular Literature,Sahara | Berezin, N.I.: Through the Land of the Pygmies (Stanley’s Travel) 1905 | Berezin,Central Africa,Expedition,Popular Literature,Stanley | Cheglok (Usov), A.A.: Animals of Central and Southern Africa 1914 | Central Africa,Cheglok,Children’s Literature,Fiction,Illustrations | Chizhov, E.I.: David Livingstone: Missionary, Traveller, and Friend of Humankind 1900 | Biography,Central Africa,Children’s Literature,Chizhov,Livingstone | Elachich, E.A.: Life in the Tropical Forests of Africa 1908 | Central Africa,Children’s Literature,Elachich,Illustrations,Nature | Glagolev, S.S.: Mysteries on the Congo River 1907 | Adaptation,Central Africa,Congo,Essay,Glagolev,Religion | Junker, V.V.: Report on a Seven-Year Journey through Equatorial Africa 1887 | Central Africa,Egypt,Ethnography,Junker,Sudan,Travel Notes,Uganda,War,Zanzibar | Kun, N.A.: African Folktales 1910 | Central Africa,Children’s Literature,Fiction,Illustrations,Kun | Petri, E.Iu.: V.V. Junker’s Travels Through Africa 1893 | Anthropology,Central Africa,Illustrations,Junker,Petri | Putsykovich, F.F.: Negroes. A Reading for the People 1897 | Central Africa,Ethnography,Pamphlet,Popular Literature,Putsykovich | Shokal’skii, Iu.M.: The Congo Free State 1886 | Central Africa,Congo,Essay,Geography,Russian Geographical Society,Shokal’skii | Troitskii, V.V.: A Journey to Central Africa 1915 | Central Africa,Essay,Nature,Report,Troitskii | Vasin, N.A.: The Tireless Traveller. Life and Travels of H.M. Stanley 1905 | Biography,Central Africa,Children’s Literature,Stanley,Vasin | Vladimirova, A.: In Africa, on the Congo River. E. Glave’s Six Years Stay in Stanley’s Unit 1900 | Adaptations,Central Africa,Children’s Literature,Congo,Illustrations,Vladimirova | Africa-Wide Resources Berezin, N.I.: Africa. A Manual for Teaching Geography 1912 | Africa,Berezin,Geography,Illustrations,Manual | Bobin, S.P.: Africa. A Geographical Chrestomathy 1909 | Africa,Bobin,Children’s Literature,Geography,Illustrations,Manual | Chistiakov, M.B.: Tales of Travels through Africa 1873 | Adaptations,Africa,Children’s Literature,Chistiakov,Illustrations | Chulkov, G.I.: In Distant Lands. Africa 1902 | Africa,Children’s Literature,Chulkov,Essay,Illustrations | Koropchevskii, D.A.: Arapy 1898 | Africa,Black People,Children’s Literature,Essay,Koropchevskii | Koropchevskii, D.A.: D. Livingstone: Life, Travels and Geographical Discoveries 1891 | Africa,Biography,Koropchevskii,Livingstone,Popular Literature | Koropchevskii, D.A.: People. Ethnographic Essays. Black People: Africa 1886 | Africa,Black People,Ethnography,Illustrations,Koropchevskii,Popular Literature | Kruber A.A. et al.: Africa. An Illustrated Geographical Compendium 1902 | Africa,Barkov,Chefranov,Geography,Grigor’ev,Illustrations,Kruber,Manual | Litvinov, M.M.: Around the Globe. A Modern Political Map of Africa 1897 | Africa,Colonialism,Essay,Litvinov,Politics | Mizhuev, P.G.: History of the English Colonial Empire and Politics 1902 | Africa,Britain,Colonialism,Essay,History,Mizhuev,Slavery | Nemirovich-Danchenko, V.I. 1887 | Africa,Dahomey,Essay,Madagascar,Nemirovich-Danchenko,North Africa,Travel Notes | Pimenova, E.K.: African Nature and Peoples 1900 | Africa,Children’s Literature,Illustrations,Pimenova,Popular Literature | Sleptsov, A.A.: To India by Sea 1901 | Africa,Colonialism,Essay,Popular Literature,Portugal,Sleptsov | Turchakovskii, K.I.: Textbook of General Geography 1883 | Africa,Ethnography,Geography,Manual,Turchakovskii |