AfTeR – The African Text: Representing Africa in Imperial Russia (1850-1917)

Cherskii, L.F.: The Adventures of Dzhami. A Story from the Life of a Fellah


Cherskii, Leonid Fedorovich


Prikliucheniia Dzhami. Rasskaz iz zhizni odnogo fellakha, Moskva 1914

The Adventures of Dzhami. A Story from the Life of a Fellah


In this book, Cherskii presents to his readers the coming-of-age story of a young orphan named Dzhami, who works as a helper for a poor fellah family near Rosetta. Initially leading a hard and miserable life, in the course of ten chapters Dzhami manages to climb the social ladder, learning how to sail, enduring many adventures and even travelling through the Indian Ocean. Having become rich, he is finally able to reunite with Rebecca, a poor and blind girl he had met previously, whose sight has been somewhat miraculously restored by a doctor. The story is illustrated by P. Litvinenko.


Leonid Cherskii was a prolific writer, journalist, and translator. Devoted especially to children’s literature, he was active between the 1890s and the 1910s. Among his works: Tales from the Caucasus (1904), On the Faith of Our Ancestors (1907), The Childhood of the Emperor Alexander I (1910), The Siberian Prince (1911). He translated Arthur Conan Doyle, Hector Malo and other Western authors. When writing for periodicals, he frequently relied on the pseudonym “Miss Flora”.


I. Masanov, Slovar’ psevdonimov russkikh pisatelei, uchenykh i deiatelei, t. 4, Moskva 1960, p. 514.



Copyright © 2024 Anita Frison, Maria Emeliyanova

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