AfTeR – The African Text: Representing Africa in Imperial Russia (1850-1917)

Cheglok (Usov), A.A.: Animals of Central and Southern Africa

The book is comprised of ten short stories, each centered around a particular animal which can be encountered in Africa (rhinoceros, chimpanzee, elephant, dik-dik, baboon, African buffalo, hyrax, aardvark, Egyptian mongoose, hippopotamus). Either the stories are structured around an encounter between a human (locals, Europeans, Russians) and a given animal, or […]

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Kotel’nikov, G.E.: The Priest of Osiris

The full title of the play is The Priest of Osiris: The Mystery of the Pyramid of the Pharaoh Khаfre. One-act play in verse. The plot can be summarized as follows: Aira, widow of Pharaoh Khefre, is beloved by Osorkhon, a priest of Osiris, who, in a monologue, confesses his love for her. Aira prays in front of the statue of Osiris, mourning her husband, while Osorkhon secretly watches her.

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Gumilev, N.S.

Nikolai Gumilev, one of the founders of Russian Acmeism, travelled to Africa four times: while the first time he visited Egypt (1908), in the subsequent journeys he travelled to Ethiopia […]

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Krasnov, P.N.: Aska Mariam

Aleksandr Panaev, a musician in Saint Petersburg, is deeply in love with his fiancée Nina Sergeevna. Young and with delicate features, she is an accomplished pianist, orphaned when she was little. She soon falls ill due to the harsh Petersburg climate, and, to Panaev’s despair, she dies. While keeping vigil of her dead body […]

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