AfTeR – The African Text: Representing Africa in Imperial Russia (1850-1917)

Bobin, S.P.: Africa. A Geographical Chrestomathy


Bobin, Sergei Pavlovich (1868-1949)


Afrika. Geograficheskaia khrestomatiia, Moskva 1909

Africa. A Geographical Chrestomathy


The book is part of the series “Books for the modern school” (Knigi dlia sovremennoi shkoly), edited by Ivan Sytin’s publishing house. In the preface, Bobin explains that it is meant for elementary courses, and that it is based on Russian (Koropchevskii, Andreevskii, Sokolov, Eliseev, Mech, Nemirovich-Danchenko, etc.), German and English sources. He also acknowledges the participation of N. Bobin and E. Korsh in creating the chrestomathy. The volume is divided into 89 short chapters dedicated to: Western discoveries in Africa; geographical descriptions of landscapes and cities; ethnography; travels; hunting adventures; animals. It is complemented by a wide range of drawings and photographs, whose origin is not disclosed.


Sergei Bobin was a Russian geography teacher and state counsellor, in service for the Ministry of National Education since 1892. Of noble birth, he studied at the Imperial Kharkiv University prior to relocating to Saint Petersburg, where he taught geography and political geography at different institutes. He is the author of many works, especially for children, for the most part dedicated to geography.


Spisok lits, sluzhashchikh po vedomstvu Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniia na 1917, Petrograd 1917, p. 209;

“Bobin Sergei Pavlovich”, in “General’nyi alfavitnyi katalog knig na russkom iazyke (1725-1998)”, Rossiiskaia natsional’naia biblioteka,



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