AfTeR – The African Text: Representing Africa in Imperial Russia (1850-1917)

Chikhachev, P.A.: Spain, Algeria, Tunisia


Chikhachev, Petr Aleksandrovich (1808-1890)


Ispaniia. Alzhir. Tunis, Moskva 1975 [1880]

Spain, Algeria, Tunisia


Ispaniia. Alzhir. Tunis is a Russian translation of the book Espagne, Algérie et Tunisie published in Paris in 1880 and devoted to Petr Chikhachev’s scientific expedition to North Africa (1877-1878). It contains letters sent by Chikhachev to the French scientist Michel Chevalier. The Russian translation features a preface by V. Tsybulskii, containing biographic information about the author. The core part of the book is devoted to the Mediterranean coast of Algeria, with some excursions to inner territories of the country. In particular, the fourth letter is devoted to the city of Algiers, whose modern appearance is compared to what it looked like three decades prior. Letter number five is devoted to several capes on the coast. In lettere number six the Algerian national museum, the church of the African Holy Mother, and a party that took place in the winter palace of the local governor are described. The following letter recalls a trip to Fort Nacional and Blida. In letter number ten the author leaves Algiers and travels to Tunis. In letter number eleven the author visits the remains of Carthage. In these letters, Chikhachev examines in detail the geological structure, climate, flora and fauna of the places he visits. He also touches upon the social life of the Arab people in North Africa, denouncing the harsh behaviour of French colonisers, but also highlighting the newly brought progress and enlightenment, which give the Arabs “the opportunity to develop gradually under the growing progress of civilisation”.


Petr Chikhachev was a Russian naturalist and geologist. Born in Gatchina, he entered the diplomatic service and was stationed in Constantinople (1842-1844). During this period, he visited Syria, Asia Minor, and North Africa. In 1844 he was sent on a scientific mission to the Altai region. He also travelled extensively through Europe, Asia, and Siberia. His 1877-1878 trip to North Africa resulted in the publication of his travel notes in the volume Espagne, Algérie et Tunisie. In the 1880’s he also published in the Revue des Deux-Mondes (n. 3) an article devoted to the deserts of the world, including the Sahara desert. He died in Florence in 1890. Among his publications: Voyage scientifique dans l’Altai oriental et les parties adjacentes de la frontière de Chine (1845); Asie Mineure; description physique, statistique et archéologique de cette contrée (1853-1869); Le Bosphore et Constantinople (1864); Considerations géologiques sur les Îles Océaniques (1878).


“Chikhachev, Petr Aleksandrovich”, in Russkii biograficheskii slovar’ v 25 tomah, t. 22, Sankt-Peterburg-Moskva 1896-1918, p. 415-418;

V. Tsybul’skii, Predislovie, in P. Chikhachev, Ispaniia, Alzhir i Tunis Moskva 1975, p. 5-18;

A. Troelstra, Bibliography of Natural History Travel Narratives, Leiden 2017, p. 106.


Copyright © 2024 Anita Frison, Maria Emeliyanova

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