AfTeR – The African Text: Representing Africa in Imperial Russia (1850-1917)

Pfeifer, D.N.: The 1895 Expedition to Madagascar


Pfeifer, Dmitrii Nikolaevich (1870-1914)


Madagaskarskaia ekspediciia 1895 goda, Sankt-Peterburg 1897

The 1895 Expedition to Madagascar


The report starts with the claim that on September 30, 1895, Tananariva was seized by General Duchèsne’s troops following a series of clashes with the Gowasis. On October 1, the terms of peace were formalised, establishing French rule over Madagascar as a protectorate. The report serves as a detailed account of the French government’s expedition to assert control over the island, culminating in the victory of French forces. While acknowledging the expedition’s success, the author emphasises the significant sacrifices that were made. The author highlights the strategic importance of the island, as it controls commercial routes to India, the Far East, and Australia. Descriptions of the local climate, landscape, and pre-existing administrative structures are provided, alongside a comprehensive overview of the military personnel involved and the organisational aspects of the expedition. The author concludes by noting that the majority of deaths – 6000 soldiers out of 15000 – resulted from diseases, and praises the courage demonstrated by French troops throughout the expedition.


Dmitrii Pfeifer was a major-general in the Russian Imperial Army, commander of the 2nd Life Guards Rifle Regiment during World War I. Born into an Orthodox family, he was the son of major-general Nikolai Vladimirovich Pfeifer. He graduated from the Nicholas Academy of the General Staff in 1896, eventually reaching the rank of major-general in 1913. Pfeifer died at the outset of World War I, killed by a shell on August 26, 1914. He was posthumously awarded the Order of Saint George, 4th degree.


O. Freiman, Pazhi za 185 let: biografii i portrety byvshikh pazhei s 1711 po 1896 g., Fridriechsgamn 1894-1897, p. 736;

Vysochaishie prikazy po Voennomu vedomstvu k n. 1161, “Razvedchik”, 1913, p. 23.


Copyright © 2024 Anita Frison, Maria Emeliyanova

This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

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