AfTeR – The African Text: Representing Africa in Imperial Russia (1850-1917)

Dedlov, V.L.: From Far Away. Letters from the Road


Dedlov, Vladimir Liudvigovich (1856-1908)


Iz daleka. Pis’ma s puti, Sankt-Peterburg 1887

From Far Away. Letters from the Road


The book is a collection of travel notes, recounting the author’s journey through Europe, Africa, and Turkey. Chapter thirteen is dedicated to Egypt, where the author explores Alexandria and Cairo, encounters the Khedive, and visits mosques and pyramids. In chapter fourteen, the journey continues up the Nile, with an excursion to a Coptic church, insights into the lives of married monks, and the author enduring seasickness. Chapter fifteen details a visit to Thebes, interactions with Berbers, and explorations of temples and tombs. Moving on to chapter sixteen, the traveller descends the Nile, encounters a group of British travellers, explores Girga, bids farewell to Egypt, and sets sail for Turkey.


Vladimir Kign-Dedlov was a novelist, essayist, literary critic, art historian, and traveller. Born into a German-Polish family, he graduated from the law faculty of Saint Petersburg University, making his literary debut in 1876. In addition to literary prose, he also published essays and, for a period, wrote critical feuilletons and sketches. In the 1880s, Dedlov embarked on numerous journeys to the Russian East, France, Turkey, Italy, and Egypt, subsequently publishing many of his travel notes. He is also the author of Adventures and Impressions. In Italy and Egypt. Notes on Turkey (1888).


Kratkaia literaturnaia entsiklopediia, t. 2, Moskva 1962, p. 551-552;

T. Sipenkova, “Kak mozhno men’she byt’ turistom…” o knige V. L. Kigna Prikliucheniia i vpechatleniia v Italii i Egipte. Zametki o Turtsii, “Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Vostokovedenie i afrikanistika”, 2009, 3, p. 91-100;

O. Skibina, Tvorchestvo V.L. Kigna-Dedlova: Problematika i poetika: monografiia, Orenburg 2013.


Copyright © 2024 Anita Frison, Maria Emeliyanova

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