AfTeR – The African Text: Representing Africa in Imperial Russia (1850-1917)

Elets, Iu.L.: The Emperor Menelik and His War against Italy. Based on the Documents and Campaign Diaries by N.S. Leont’ev

The volume, consisting of 19 chapters, is a military account of the war between Ethiopia and Italy in 1895-1896, often providing information on international relations. Though it is mainly based on Nikolai Leont’ev’s documents gathered during his permanence in Ethiopia, in the preface the author declares that he has also made use of Italian sources. […]

Elets, Iu.L.: The Emperor Menelik and His War against Italy. Based on the Documents and Campaign Diaries by N.S. Leont’ev Read Post »

Krindach, F.: A Russian Cavalryman in Abyssinia: from Djibouti to Harar

The book is divided into four chapters and includes photographic illustrations by G.V. Bobin, along with an author’s introduction. In the introductory note, the author clarifies that this book focuses solely on Bulatovich’s 1896 trip to Ethiopia from a sporting perspective, without mentioning the reasons behind Bulatovich’s mission to Harar or the role assigned to him […]

Krindach, F.: A Russian Cavalryman in Abyssinia: from Djibouti to Harar Read Post »

Koropchevskii, D.A.: Arapy

The essay was first published for another editor (E. Evdokimov) in 1894, under the title Arapy: ocherk byta i nravov chernogo plemeni (Arapy: An Essay on the Way of Life and Customs of Black Tribes). Since 1898 it has been part of the series “Knizhka za knizhkoi” (N° 46 in the catalogue). The book, aimed primarily at children […]

Koropchevskii, D.A.: Arapy Read Post »

Rutskii, P.G.: To the Oases of the Sahara and across Italy

The book features thirty-two illustrations of African landscapes and people. It is divided into nineteen chapters, prefaced by the author’s introduction and an initial overview of the journey’s circumstances. Chapters One to Nine report travelling around Europe, focusing on Warsaw, Vienna, the Austrian Alps, Italy, Venice, Italian Switzerland, and Marseille. Chapters Ten to Seventeen are devoted to African cities […]

Rutskii, P.G.: To the Oases of the Sahara and across Italy Read Post »

Kozlov, S.V.: Remarks on Some Parts of the Essay by Lieutenant Bulatovich

The book contains a series of notes authored by Colonel Sergei Kozlov, devoted to correcting factual mistakes found in Aleksander Bulatovich’s From Entoto to the Baro River: An Account of the Journey in the South-Western Regions of the Ethiopian Empire in 1896-1897. It is structured into three sections: an introduction, a list of corrections, and a conclusion […]

Kozlov, S.V.: Remarks on Some Parts of the Essay by Lieutenant Bulatovich Read Post »

Mashkov, V.F.: Information about Abyssinia

The account of Viktor Mashkov’s expedition to Ethiopia was published in the Report of the Russian Geographical Society in 1897, in the section “Geographic News”. In the introductory note, the author states that this brief geographical sketch will describe the Russian Red Cross’s journey to Ethiopia, but will not be able to provide detailed scientific information. He also notes that he could not bring any luggage, which meant that he was unable to take photographic or scientific tools to the trip […]

Mashkov, V.F.: Information about Abyssinia Read Post »

Bulatovich, A.K.: From Entoto to the Baro River. An Account of the Journey in the South-Western Regions of the Ethiopian Empire in 1896-1897

After the introduction and the first two chapters, consisting of a recollection of Bulatovich’s trips to Ethiopia between 1896 and 1897, the book proceeds as an essay on the geography, ethnography, and history of Ethiopia […]

Bulatovich, A.K.: From Entoto to the Baro River. An Account of the Journey in the South-Western Regions of the Ethiopian Empire in 1896-1897 Read Post »