AfTeR – The African Text: Representing Africa in Imperial Russia (1850-1917)

Litvinov, M.M.: Around the Globe. A Modern Political Map of Africa


Litvinov, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1844-1900)


Po globusu. Sovremennaia politicheskaia karta Afriki, Sankt-Peterburg 1897

Around the Globe. A Modern Political Map of Africa


The essay offers an overview of the political map of Africa at the end of the 19th century. In the introduction the author asserts that “recently, we have been experiencing a highly interesting historical and geographical event – the partition of the vast continent of Africa. The English, the French, the Germans, the Portuguese, and to a certain extent, the Italians” are all involved in splitting up the continent, defining the boundaries of their respective “spheres of influence”. The author intends to provide the reader with a clear understanding of the continent’s situation. The overview categorises the African continent based on the colonising countries. It begins with the French colonies (Algeria, Tunisia, Sahara, Senegambia, Sudan, French Guinea, Ivory Coast, Dahomey, French Congo, Obot, Madagascar, Comoros Islands). The English colonies are then described as somewhat smaller, though with a larger population (over 40 million inhabitants). The German and Portuguese colonies are also discussed. A section is dedicated to Italy and Ethiopia. The essay ends with a focus on the Congo Free State, highlighted for its promising location and abundant natural resources.


Mikhail Litvinov was a Russian author and military officer, from 1881 working as adjunct professor of Geography, Military Geography and Statistics at the Nicholas General Staff Academy. Among his other publications: The Black Sea and Its Role in Different Historical Eras (1881); The Caucasus. A Manual for the Study of the Military Geography of Russia (1883); The Baltic Coast (1883).


Istoricheskii ocherk Nikolaevskoi Akademii General’nogo Shtaba, ed. by N. Glinoetskii, Sankt-Peterburg 1882, p. 81, 158, 334.

A.F., M.E.

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