AfTeR – The African Text: Representing Africa in Imperial Russia (1850-1917)

Chizhov, E.I.: David Livingstone: Missionary, Traveller, and Friend of Humankind


Chizhov, Evgenii Ivanovich


David Livingston – missioner, puteshestvennik i drug chelovechestva, Sankt-Peterburg 1900

David Livingstone: Missionary, Traveller, and Friend of Humankind


The book is a sugar-coated biography of David Livingstone, written in a simple language suitable for children. Livingstone is presented in a very favourable light, as a man overcoming many difficulties since his childhood thanks to his exceptional qualities. His life in Africa, at first as a missioner, then as an explorer, is equally mythologized, especially with regards to his relationship with native people. The book ends with Livingstone’s death and his burial in England, though it is stated that “his heart lies under a mighty tree in a remote Negro village”.


Evgenii Chizhov was a teacher of natural sciences and geography, working at the Karl May School in Saint Petersburg from 1903 to 1913. A prolific writer, he is the author of many books for children about geography and history.


A. Malakhova, A. Usacheva, Lichnye imena i nazvaniia, in Makovitskii. U Tolstogo. Ukazateli k knigam 1-4, Moskva 1981, p. 158;

N. Blagovo, Shkola na Vasil’evskom ostrove: istoricheskaia khronika. Prilozheniia, Sankt-Peterburg 2013, p. 24.


Copyright © 2024 Anita Frison, Maria Emeliyanova

This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

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