AfTeR – The African Text: Representing Africa in Imperial Russia (1850-1917)

Bezgin, I.G.: Abyssinia and Abyssinians


Bezgin, Il’ia Grigor’evich (1852-1907)


Abissiniia i abissintsy. 1-2 sb-ki ukazanii na kn., st. i zametki, poiavivshiesia po etomu predmetu na russkom iazyke v 1900-1903 gg., Sankt-Peterburg 1903

Abyssinia and Abyssinians. 1-2 Collections of References to Books, Articles, and Notes that Were Published on this Subject in Russian in 1900-1903


This work is a collection of references to books, articles and notes on Ethiopia that appeared in Russia in 1900-1903. The references are supported by a brief abstract of each entry. They include: Letters from Abyssinia by D.D. (Dragomirov and Davydov) published in “Russkii invalid” from 1900 to 1901; From Abyssinia by K. Arnol’di, published in “Russkii invalid” in 1903; In Abyssinia, published in “Novoe Vremia” in 1903. References to the international and domestic news sections of “Novoe vremia” are also provided.


Il’ia Bezgin was an artillery officer and bibliographer. Born in Moscow in a family of hereditary nobles, he spent his youth in Switzerland and Germany. He joined the artillery corps and, having left the service, he dedicated himself exclusively to writing and publishing. He is the author of several bibliographical works, among which Materialy dlia bibliograficheskogo slovaria (1888-1905), Voenno-bibliograficheskii ukazatel’ (1892), Opisanie vsekh russkikh knig i povremennylh izdanii (1905-1906).


“Bezgin, Il’ia Grigor’evich”, in S. Vengerov, Kritiko-biograficheskii slovar’ russkikh pisatelei i uchenykh, t. 2, vyp. 22-30, Sankt-Peterburg 1891, p. 288-290.

A.F., M.E.

Copyright © 2024 Anita Frison, Maria Emeliyanova

This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

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